Coaching To Develop
The Leadership Capability on Your Team

  • Are some of your current team members having difficulty scaling?
  • Are they in their roles for the first time and learning to lead on the job?
  • Do they have the potential to grow but need feedback and coaching?

Think about investing in their development

Here are the common problems that hold them back

  • Inadequate Strategic Thinking: Function heads may be very good at tactical work but might struggle with the strategic aspects of their roles. They may focus too much on short-term gains without aligning their efforts with the long-term vision of the company.
  • Resistance to Change: As startups evolve, they frequently need to pivot or adjust strategies. Some team members may resist these changes due to discomfort or uncertainty, which can hinder the startup’s agility and growth.
  • Difficulty with Scale: Managers who are effective in a small, start-up environment may not have the skills or temperament to manage larger, more structured teams. This can lead to inefficiencies and bottlenecks as the organization grows.
  • Poor Communication Skills: Effective communication is critical in fast-paced startup environments. Managers who cannot communicate clearly and effectively may struggle to lead their teams, manage upward communications, or liaise with stakeholders.
  • Overwhelmed by Workload: Startup environments can be high-pressure and fast-paced. Managers who cannot handle their workload effectively might become bottlenecks, causing delays and frustration.
  • Lack of Accountability: A common frustration for founders is when team leaders fail to take full responsibility for their teams' outcomes. This can lead to a lack of trust and increased micromanagement from the founder.
  • Cultural Misfit: Startup cultures can be unique and intense. Managers who do not fit or who cannot propagate the startup’s culture may struggle to motivate their teams or align with the company’s values.
  • Poor Decision-Making: Some managers may lack the decisiveness required in a startup environment, either over-analyzing situations or making hasty decisions without proper consultation or consideration of consequences.
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